Hungarian sailing around the world in a tiny yacht at Yacht Haven Marina

April 8, 2012 by No Comments

Special Report for Andaman News NBT (VHF dial) + Radio Thailand FM90.5 at 8.30am & perhaps repeats on Phuket Cable TV channel 1 at 7pm & 1am, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces & maybe Mazz Radio FM108 at 7pm in Phuket, Tuesday 13th January 2009 & & Send comments to Have you ever imagined what it would be like to sail alone around the world? Well, lets go meet someone who is single-handedly sailing around the world and moored at Yacht Haven Marina in Phuket for a one day rest before heading out to Sri-Lanka. Lets hear what he had to tell us about his adventurous trip in our special report today. Meet Aron Meder, a 29 year old Hungarian sailor who sets out and sailed alone for the past 2 and half years, growing a long beard, looking a bit like Tom Hanks in that Castaway movie. His beloved yacht is a small and limited capacity called Carina, only 19 feet or 6 meters long. He told us he likes to travel, it is his passion. Therefore, he sailed around the world, starting from Europe to Africa then to the Caribbean, Galapagos, Hawaii and Fiji where he had lived half a year, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and then across the Indian Ocean to Bali, Singapore to Penang, and last but not least, he stopped at Phuket for a one day rest and planned to set off to Sri Lanka and perhaps next to India. He talked about Carina, his small vessel, which was built in 1970 in Switzerland, which he rebuilt from
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